Jul 29, 2018
Giveaways are coming, get registered now. How regular are you on car maintenance? There is no right answer.
Jul 26, 2018
A listener sent us some cookies and we overindulged. Who wouldn't? They were delicious!
Jul 22, 2018
If you put enough refrigerant in your air conditioning system
you can blow the compressor apart. How many cans does it take,
We give away more hoodies and you can get in the drawing for a
BrushHero. Join us on facebook
Jul 18, 2018
Car purchases can be exciting, but how do you choose the right
one. Don't just jump in to a purchase without doing some deep
And we shed some light on L.A.D.A.R.
Jul 15, 2018
Were giving away stuff! Join us on facebook.com/underthehoodshow and get in on the giveaways. Summers in full swing. Is your car ready? And Where is the tax credit going?