Jun 29, 2020
Manual car and truck transmissions are fading away. Which do you
prefer in your automobile?
Battery Drains, Engine Misfire, our new apps are searchable like
you asked for so we are adding more words in the description.
Construction Zone Accidents.
Tons of really cool low mile and almost no mile cars up for
auction. This...
Jun 25, 2020
Care Care doesn't have to be expensive unless you put it
We talk to a guy about converting a hot rod truck to a Tremek
Manual Transmission.
Chris and Shannon are still having a love affair with their Prius
while a listeners has a engine misfire.
Tune Ups and what goes into them.
Changing Transmission Oil
Jun 21, 2020
Chris digs out some 50 year old audio and we talk to a Jim Gesswein about a huge vintage car auction coming up. Teaser... 2 Superbirds in it! Check out our new app to listen to the show available now in the store for free.
Jun 18, 2020
Are you listening on the new podcast app? What model truck may be best for you? Diesel or gas? DEF Fluid, Auto Repair Costs, what you use the truck for, they all are important.
Jun 18, 2020
Are you listening on the new podcast app? What model truck may be best for you? Diesel or gas? DEF Fluid, Auto Repair Costs, what you use the truck for, they all are important.